Friday, February 19, 2010

of knowing u were born in the 80's if you used to.......

-Watch Doraemon every 7pm on RTM1 when u r 7-10 years old
-Watch cartoons like Transformers, Jam ,the Smurfs, My little Pony on Saturday mornings and not forgetting Dungeon & Dragons, Thundercats, Carebears, The Mask, Kamenraider, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,GI Joe, Ultraman and the ever so cuuute Pico Pico Pong Pong, hee....
-Watch Alam Ria Disney and  Dragon Ball at 9.00am like that on weekends
-Collect Tamiyas race cars!
-Play Bumble bee Yoyos
-Play Nintendo or Sega video games
-Collect Dragon Ball comic books
- Play Batu Seremban or Bottle Caps aka main tudung la..
- Wear Kiki Lala, Kiko or Rocky clothes? what other brands existed to us then wei...bata for shoes...
now its gucci, nike, adidas, fila, LV..... puki la malas wanna list those names, rich boys/gals go figure...
-buy those candy in boxes which also come with a free li'l toys-Ding Dang and Tora.. nampak only those box candies, terus macam dirasuk hantu anak setan mana satu pun entah la..hooo...!
-think David Copperfield was de best and an awesome magician.
-and still are a fan of Michael Jackson and try to imitate the moonwalk dance.
-watch Oprah even when you had no clue what it was about but watched it anyway..
-beg daddy and mommy for tamagotchi or the digimon and pukimon, eehhh, silap, pokemon i mean..
-buat perangai macam rambo ke, indiana jones ke, masked rider and his "tendangan pusing berkembar" (i dunno if thats an actual move or not, sorry to those diehard fans ya, hehe)
-Watch Airwolf, McGuyver, KnightRider, 6 Million dollar Man, Bionic Woman, Invisible Man using his watch to be invisible, The Hulk, and Mission Impossible series. really havoc right when the bionic man does his gempaq world record breaking lompat jauh with 'that' sound effect.. bowl of maggi: RM1.50, choki-choki for dessert: RM0.20, seeing "that" jump: priceless...ditto for the KnightRider theme song and The Hasselhoff.. Dope!
-think MegaTV was somethin rich kids had and it had bad ass shows on, very high probability that was the first time we ever heard of cartoon network!   though the antenna for mega tv looked a lil odd...
-used play those plastic soldiers, and 'blast' them all over the place.. when in kindy i used to go to the house of an elderly couple who were next door neighbours, they always let at them soldier who belonged to their waaay too old children, like working old children.. foof, the room i played in was a one boy battle ground, fun times times....

sigh.... what i'd give to relive those days again.. looks like i gotta mentally stay a child while living in the body of a 21 year old, best advice to give a child, dun grow up too fast, keep the child in you close by always,cos once you lose it, sorry mate, but you fucked it big time.. call me childish, well fuck you very very much, i'm sure u wish just as much to go back to that period in time.. li'l you having hot milo and cream crackers in front of the amazing television..


Anonymous said...


i hate doraemon. hate!!! benci!!!


but all in all, im guilty for almost everything u listed man. tamagochi i had like 3, and always curi tengok in tution when charles chan main dng buddies xD

-Prashant- said...

doraemon u benci?? tats the first time i've heard anyone say that, hahaha.. why is charles chan's name even being mentioned here......?

i had one digimon.. oonce, when i was littleeeee.... hehe..