Wednesday, January 20, 2010

of why machines can't totally replace humans

Machines just don't 'cut' when it comes to some 'jobs' do they... haha!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

of Summer Finn, bitch...

By coincidence, I saw this movie and "Observe and Report",and found some similarities in potrayal of the character Brandi, with Summer Finn of 500 days of summer, and although these are two VERY different movies, the lead female characters in both movies are portrayed as incredibly cold, insensitive, and self-absorbed.

Are these movies commenting on the reality of today's women? If so, this is depressing.

If the genders of the lead characters in "500 Days..." were reversed, and Summer was the male character, she (or rather, "he") would be considered an asshole by the end of the movie, because, after all, "he" treated so frivolously the heart and feelings of the one he was casually toying with.

But, because Summer was in fact a woman, somehow her behavior gets a "pass", and we're supposed to see her as "complex" instead of an asshole?

No way.

It's not cool to see anyone, male OR female, behave so narcissistically and to be so indifferent to the feelings of the person they are CHOOSING to be involved with.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

of a pig!

Here's a li'l flashback from school, bout a girl. No, no, me and her had nothing goin on but the damn ho thought there was and still does till today. I'll refer to her as Pig and also bitch and ho bag and whatever derogatory terms i can come up with at the moment.
So we met in sch, became friends and the usual stuff that comes along, in later conversation we found out that we lived in the same area along with another friend of hers, Mrs Fabregas lets call her friend that. We sorta worked out that i could a rides home with them from sch since i dont drive, and rely on public busses to get home, which back then werent that reliable as they are now. Both pig and Mrs Fab have their own car's,(lucky people), so i pretty often catch a ride home with either one of them, pig as i found out was a really fun friend to have, talked bout music and shit, and she'd talk bout how her friends used to mistaken her for a lil kid upon hearing her voice on the phone, which i cheekily agreed just to annoy out of silly fun. It was all good, for a  while that is, until she started acting weird towards me. I asked what was wrong with her, if she wasn't feeling alright. All she said was  she needed some space. So in my head its was like, 'Okaaay....somethings really up here, must be some heavy ass personal problem goin on with her'. So space is what she got. Then things got even  more off, the  pig sorta started to avoid me and didn't wanna let me hitch rides with her anymore, that's when yours truly Sherlock saspek de sure she got some benda against me de lah.
I tried to figure what the pig had against me, maybe she tak syok i tumpang with her.  I  mean i grateful that they both let me hitch rides home, and for putting up with  me whenever i go with them after playin street  soccer (peluh macam sungai kadang-kadang).  But still whenever i ask whats going on least stop covering up la bloody pig, only to find out from Mrs Fab the truth, the pig actually thought I had something  for her, when i heard that from Mrs Fab, i had a good laugh. Like what the fuck, even after her friends told her that i had nothing goin on for her she still insists that, 'no la, i can tell that he likes me'
  Aint that  a  loada shit from the mouth, pig shit that is.
Kane, then wanna ignore to the max de, go fuck ur stictched up pig ass la, i wanna fuck u also no time la!
Syok sendiri pussy fart, Pattinson/Edward himself would swallow a whole bulb of garlic if he knew this!
You and ur fuckin schizophrenia delusion that i still like her, oh wait, better not encourage that necrophiliac, or she might assume that she deserves a movie to be made based on this experience ala-Russell Crowe-Beautiful mind. At least his delusion wasn't 'dumb fuck-penguin and beagle up ur own ass' delusion... 
Dream on la pig, all i wanted was ur friendship, and u sank it to a level lower than the Marianas Trench, u wipe of an ass wipe!! 
....aand even IF i liked you, what would be so wrong with that??!  I aint good enough for ur pig-mentally challenged ass?!  
are you just a...

closet racist?

*Phew*  glad i got all of that out....