Monday, May 10, 2010

of why you may not listen to lady gaga anymore

A friend show me these videos and thought it would be interesting to see what you all think bout what they have to say bout her, i personally was pretty creeped out, ( yes miss tasmania, gaga was selling it as puki face instead of poker face after all eh)

The backwards playback of the song is preeeeetyyy creepy, at least to me, gave me the chilly willies.
Sooo... just say TAK NAK KEPADA LADY GAGAP!!


Anonymous said...

so lame

that lightnign bolt is taken from david bowie. if it's anything, it's plagarism not satanism


-Prashant- said...

yeap, david bowie and another band, heard it from another video on youtube too, for got the name of tat band though.. and they say jay-z might be the same as gaga, so i heard.. but its kinda creepy anyway... eee.....