Monday, April 26, 2010

of points to ponder on

One remarkable-if seldom remarked-benefit of marriage is that it makes kinsmen out of strangers. It unites kingdoms, settles wars, links cultures and forges bonds that otherwise are all but impossible.
When I think of the diverse individuals who have become special to me because they married a relative of mine, our educational and cultural differences shrink to insignificance. They have a call on my resources, and I on theirs, not because of any special deservedness, but because they are family.   :)
It simply isn't true as some insist, that "that little piece of paper doesn't make any difference." It makes a tremendous difference. Just think how differently you would regard an appeal for help from,
(a) your daughter's boyfriend or
(b) your son-in-law.
Marriage matters, and so does the fact that we are forgetting how much it matters.
    ~William Raspberry~

And here's a line from Miss Fabregas that pretty much sums up my month of April,
'The month of april is full of surprise and disappointment, suddenly so full of life and then is heard no more, all in vain...'


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