Thursday, January 14, 2010

of Summer Finn, bitch...

By coincidence, I saw this movie and "Observe and Report",and found some similarities in potrayal of the character Brandi, with Summer Finn of 500 days of summer, and although these are two VERY different movies, the lead female characters in both movies are portrayed as incredibly cold, insensitive, and self-absorbed.

Are these movies commenting on the reality of today's women? If so, this is depressing.

If the genders of the lead characters in "500 Days..." were reversed, and Summer was the male character, she (or rather, "he") would be considered an asshole by the end of the movie, because, after all, "he" treated so frivolously the heart and feelings of the one he was casually toying with.

But, because Summer was in fact a woman, somehow her behavior gets a "pass", and we're supposed to see her as "complex" instead of an asshole?

No way.

It's not cool to see anyone, male OR female, behave so narcissistically and to be so indifferent to the feelings of the person they are CHOOSING to be involved with.


Anonymous said...

Rewatched 500 Days of Summer today to see maybe,maybe if I was wrong in thinking Summer was a bitch. Nope. I don't feel any different. You nailed it. She is really self-absorbed. The writer does affirm this in the beginning of the film, calling Jenny Beckman(on whom he based the character of Summer) a bitch. She really fucked him over.

-Prashant- said...

Much thanks for visiting my blog.. and glad to know someone else share's a similar view to me on the Summer finn issue. :)